18 July 2024

T 1572/21 - A bit more than three months

Key points

  • The decision was taken in oral proceedings on 27.03.2024 and was issued in writing on 11.07.2024.
  • The public file does not include a communication pursuant to Art.15(9) RPBA.
  • Perhaps it is part of the non-public file, though the notification does not need to give any reasons for the delay, so it is hard to see why it should be non-public.
  • We don't know if the President of the Boards of Appeal was informed of the delay as prescribed by Art. 15(9) RPBA.
  • The decision itself does not mention the (slight) delay.

The link to the decision and a screenshot of the file can be found after the jump.

1 comment:

  1. In T0860/21 of 20-02-2024, issued in writing on 17-07-2024, a communication about the delay was issued on 19-06-2024, i.e. four months after the decision and about one month after the expiration of the period under Art. 15(9) RPBA. The filing date was in 2006 as a PCT application, the grant was in 2018 after an appeal against a refusal decision in 2010.


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